Saturday, February 9, 2019

Canned Food Challenge, Week 1 Recap...

We're well into February, Canned Food Month, and the Canned Food challenge is going well, with plenty of choices for week 1.

Day 1, we had some delicious Armour Star Canned Chili.

Day 2 & 3, we used canned Tomato Sauce, Minute Rice, Canned Ground Beef, Canned Green Beans, and Canned Corn to make a full-on meal for the whole family: Porcupine Meatballs. There was enough food left over for leftovers--which, thankfully, we could refrigerate since there's no apocalypse currently going on.

Day 4 was a snack/light lunch of BBQ Vienna Sausages with a side of cheese crackers...

Day 5 was dedicated to a lunch of canned Ravioli, smothered in Velveeta--a childhood favorite that is a staple of my diet on a regular basis. Remember, when stocking your apocalypse pantry, stock what you normally eat, and eat (rotate) what you stock on a regular basis.

Day 6 we turned to a mean of Bacon SPAM, served with scrambled eggs (fresh now, powdered in an apocalypse), breakfast gravy (comes in instant-mix pouches now) and biscuits (made with Bisquick, a good thing to always have on hand in your home).

Day 7, lunch at the day job was a revolting bowl of Van Camp's Beanie Weenies--revolting because I regularly eat home made, which is better tasting and has far more slices of hot dogs in it. Still, in a pinch, and with plenty of BBQ sauce added, these are a great bunker pantry addition.

Finally, for dinner on Day 8, it was time for a batch of homemade Frank N Beans, using Bush's baked beans, two packs of Oscar Meyer weenies, and a healthy dose of KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce. More than enough food for one person, with plenty of leftovers for the next day, because I currently have electricity. In the apocalypse, I'd need help eating it all.

And that's week one--eight meals, all from, or at least using canned foods, which continue to be far more cost-effective than MREs or long-lasting Disaster Prep foods from companies like Mountain House.

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